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Citoyen(ne) du monde insomniaque
Citoyen(ne) du monde insomniaque

Sexe: Sexe:Masculin
Age: 72
Zodiaque: Verseau
Signe Chinois: Dragon
Inscrit le: 01 Aoû 2005
Messages: 5111
Localisation: agadir

MessagePosté le: 23 Juin 2020, 14:13    Sujet du message: Re: states elections Répondre en citant

politico : Sen. Amy Klobuchar late yesterday said she personally called Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden to advise he pick a woman of color as his running mate, effectively announcing the end of her vice presidential aspirations.⁣

"I truly believe, as I actually told the vice president last night when I called him, that I think this is a moment to put a woman of color on that ticket," the Minnesota Democrat told MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell. "And there is so many incredibly qualified women."⁣

Klobuchar had long been considered a top contender for Biden's vice presidential pick, but as protests over police brutality against African Americans erupted across the country following the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer, the traditional running mate calculus was altered. Klobuchar's credentials as a former prosecutor with a tough-on-crime record didn't sit well as her home state became a locus among protests and calls for structural change in law enforcement.⁣

Two other potential Biden picks, California Sen. Kamala Harris and Florida Rep. Val Demings, also have law enforcement backgrounds. However, both are black women, have more support among African-American leaders and have been more comfortable discussing issues of race, inequality and police brutality.⁣

In adding her name to the growing chorus of voices who think Biden should not pick a white woman, Klobuchar’s announcement was widely viewed by Democratic insiders as a blow to the chances of Massachusetts’ Sen Elizabeth Warren, who is a top consideration for Biden.⁣

Biden, who has not committed to picking a running mate based on race, region or ideology, has said he plans to make his decision by early August.

nytimes: Joe Biden is deep into his search for a running mate. The process began with a list of more than a dozen potential candidates, all of them women. His team has narrowed that list, conducting multiple interviews and collecting sensitive personal documents from a number of the most important contenders.

Biden, 77, says he wants a running mate who is ready to assume the presidency, who shares his priorities and with whom he is “simpatico.” He is aiming to announce his choice by Aug. 1.

Here are 12 women — including Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Keisha Lance Bottoms and Val Demings — who are under consideration by Biden.
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Citoyen(ne) du monde insomniaque
Citoyen(ne) du monde insomniaque

Sexe: Sexe:Masculin
Age: 72
Zodiaque: Verseau
Signe Chinois: Dragon
Inscrit le: 01 Aoû 2005
Messages: 5111
Localisation: agadir

MessagePosté le: 24 Juin 2020, 09:09    Sujet du message: Re: states elections Répondre en citant

politico : Miami Mayor Francis Suarez says he would welcome the presidential debate moving to his city in October, but he has doubts about whether it can be held with an audience because of coronavirus.⁣

The Commission on Presidential Debates announced today that it would move the Oct. 15 debate to Miami after the University of Michigan canceled it, citing safety concerns.⁣

But the Miami area has been a coronavirus hotspot for months in Florida, and Suarez — who had contracted coronavirus in March — isn’t so sure about having a large debate move to his city.⁣

Coronavirus infections and hospitalizations in Miami-Dade County have been increasing ever since joining the state’s Phase 2 reopening on June 5, giving Suarez and other leaders pause. Phase 3 is a full re-opening.⁣

“Right now, we are not in Phase 3 so I can’t see it today being hosted with people in the audience. Impossible to predict where we will be on October 15,” Suarez said in a text message to us. “It’s possible that we may already be in Phase 3 by then, and it’s also possible that the debate can be held without people in the audience.”⁣

“The fact that the presidential commission chose Miami for such a critical debate at the end of the campaign highlights the importance of our city and state to determining the outcome of the presidency,” Suarez said.⁣

According to the debate commission, the event is now slated to be held at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Miami. The venue hosted the first Democratic debates of the 2020 primary last year. Democrat Joe Biden is a longtime family friend of the Arshts and in the past has stayed at their home. The New York Times first reported the commission would move its debate to Miami.⁣
The 2020 United States presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020. It will be the 59th quadrennial presidential election. Voters will select presidential electors who in turn will vote on December 14, 2020,[2] to either elect a new president and vice president or reelect the incumbents Donald Trump and Mike Pence respectively.

CPD’s primary purpose is to sponsor and produce the quadrennial general election debates and to undertake research and educational activities relating to the debates.

Second presidential debate moved to Miami after original host pulls out due to coronavirus concerns

When Will Joe Biden and Donald Trump's First Debate Take Place?
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Citoyen(ne) du monde insomniaque
Citoyen(ne) du monde insomniaque

Sexe: Sexe:Masculin
Age: 72
Zodiaque: Verseau
Signe Chinois: Dragon
Inscrit le: 01 Aoû 2005
Messages: 5111
Localisation: agadir

MessagePosté le: 08 Juil 2020, 17:18    Sujet du message: Re: states elections Répondre en citant

First came the announcement of a downsized convention in Milwaukee that delegates were urged not to attend in person. Now, Democrats are questioning whether gathering in smaller events throughout the country as an alternative is a plausible option after a new surge of Covid-19 cases.⁣

With infection rates exploding in several states, some elected officials, state party leaders and rank-and-file members of the Democratic National Committee are skeptical about the proposed idea of “mini-conventions” across the nation — regional satellite sites for delegates and party leaders, particularly in battleground states.⁣

The Republican National Committee said in June it would move its convention keynote events — including President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech — to Jacksonville, Fla., after the party failed to come to an agreement with officials in Charlotte, N.C., where the event was set to be held in August. Jacksonville ranked third in the nation for metro area Covid-19 growth in the week ending June 27.⁣

Democratic Party officials announced in June that their nominating convention will be almost entirely virtual and encouraged delegates to stay away from Milwaukee. Officials have announced that presumptive nominee Joe Biden will accept the nomination in Milwaukee, but details have not been released about his keynote speech.⁣

The anxiety surrounding the possible regional events demonstrates the difficulty of planning a convention in the Covid-19 era, as well as rising public fears as infection rates go up in California, Texas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia and many other states.

Every Candidate Running for President in 2020
From Biden and Trump to the third-party contenders.
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Citoyen(ne) du monde insomniaque
Citoyen(ne) du monde insomniaque

Sexe: Sexe:Masculin
Age: 72
Zodiaque: Verseau
Signe Chinois: Dragon
Inscrit le: 01 Aoû 2005
Messages: 5111
Localisation: agadir

MessagePosté le: 16 Juil 2020, 03:28    Sujet du message: Re: states elections Répondre en citant

Presidents of the United states of America
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